Monday, January 19, 2015

BURGR - Gordon Ramsay

Among the mere facade, panache, and decadence that is Sin City there is a humble eating experience in that of which I have partaken. Back on the twelfth night of November in 2014 I was intrigued by the opportunity to eat at a Gordon Ramsey established restaurant called BURGR. Now, I am not an avid Ramsey fan, but I have watched a number of his television programs and have noted his reputation as a world renowned chef and restaurateur. Everything I have seen and know of Mr. Ramsey would not come to my description of him being humble and would reflect quite the opposite. However, hamburgers, being a staple fastfood cuisine, are quite humble. So how does Gordon Ramsey approach the hamburger. I had to try it, but how does one approach such an experience when they have eaten countless hamburgers. Do I assume this will be the best burger I've ever eaten or do I compare it to what I know of other burgers. I needed this experience to be unique yet with elements that I was familiar with eating. Due to my years of experience foraging, cooking and eating chanterelle mushrooms I chose to have the Chanterelle Burger.

The menu at BURGR was not easy to choose from other than it seemed appropriate that I indeed have a burger. From the eleven selections given, not including the Fish & Chips Burger or The Hog Burger, it was difficult for me to choose between the American Burger and the Chanterelle Burger. All the options would have been wonderful, I am sure, but I needed a test. I knew this was a fine dining experience and I needed to compare it to previous knowledge despite my lack of opportunity with fine cuisine. The Chanterelle Burger ultimately was my choice due to my experience with the subtle flavors of this mushroom. The burger had, aside from the mushrooms, arugula lettuce and a fig-onion jam. I had my concerns that the lettuce or the jam could over power the chanterelle flavors, but I had faith that since Gordon Ramsey put his name to the restaurant that it had to be good. I ordered onion rings as a side. What came to me met expectation and yet it was so simple. There were no fireworks or sparklers. No jugglers on rollerskates swallowing swords. What came was a burger with a sesame seed bun on a square white plate. It was beautiful and I loved it. The onion rings were more flashy in the metallic cone in which they were served. It simply stated 'this is it'.

Well, I see no need to praise Gordon Ramsey or the BURGR establishment. I would however like to thank them for the best burger eating experience of my life. The bun was excellent, fresh yet firm that yielded to each bite and not over powering any part of the experience. My fears of overpowering flavors were cast aside as the flavors of my beloved chanterelle mushrooms were complimented. They were enhanced and centalized with the balance of flavors of the smoky beef, sweet onion and fig with the spicy arugula. The meat was cooked perfectly to my request. Yes, the onion rings were the best I had ever had also, but it was the simplicity and amazing experience of the burger that put all other burgers to judgement. As a burger enthusiast this burger, unless I come across another, is the standard by which all others will be measured. In this I have been humbled.


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